A long time ago, when my dad (Rebecca's dad) was a kid he recalled hearing this really interesting theory from his dad (who heard it from an avid Baltimore crabber, Mr. Freun) about the best way to catch Maryland Blue Crabs. The story goes that if you bury a chicken neck (or for that matter, any bait) in the ground for two days and then place it in your crab pot, it gives you an edge for catching crabs. Technically, the bait (after two days of no refrigeration) would have such a powerful aroma that the crabs would come from far and wide to feast.
Watch Tonya and Rebecca discuss the kind of bait they use in their crab pots and how we plan to get to the bottom of the old wife's tale of burying bait for two days to catch more crabs. Click on the "play" button to watch the video below.
If you want to try this crab theory on you own...tell us your results! And if you just feel like ordering some hard crabs, click here for hard crabs!
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